Category Archives: Gone but not forgotten


Hi All,

brekin bowlegged

Brekin the Bowlegged Spaniel.

We fostered Brekin some 6yrs ago and he has been a special dog in our lives. Our fourth Springer, but we felt we would rather have an older dog to avoid the joys(?) of springer puppyhood at our age.

Brek came to us at estimated age of 10 and barked all the way home in the back of the car, after leaping in the back like a rocket. He was well trained in the past and would walk to heel, off lead, obey all the usual commands from day one.

He was addicted to tennis balls and searched the brambles around the local club, bringing out plunder in various states of repair, which, unfortunately, his only bad trait, he would never give up until he was ready, when he would flick the ball across the floor with his nose.

He followed Margaret around like a shadow, even to the loo!

He came to us with arthritis which we kept at bay with glucosomine and regular walks, but this past 12 months saw deterioration to the extent of getting a buggy for him so that we could all walk together, causing some amusement and surprise with passers-by, as borne out by the photo taken at Tintagel.

He was never incontinent or ill, but this past week saw an even greater decline and we were almost decided to take him to the vets, when he had a fit in the small hours and died in the car travelling to the emergency vet.

Thanks for loaning him to us,

John & Margaret Hunter