
It is with great sadness that i write to tell you our beautiful boy Becks has passed away. We long term fostered Becks and another springer called Ellie 8 years old in April 2014.

Becks was 10 years old and totally deaf but he was very lively and full of energy. We collected them from Rosehill kennels and they were so happy to jump in our car.

When we got back home a couple of hours later they just settled right in like they had always lived here. Becks had had a few health problems over the last couple of years, he developed vestibular disease and had a few funny turns where he went down on his back legs but he always recovered with the help of medication.

He also developed a form of dementia which with his deafness was quite challenging and over the months his health deteriorated until on 26th November 2018 his back legs totally failed him and we had to have him put to sleep.

He was our gorgeous boy and we loved him so much, he had such a presence in our house and it feels so empty without him.

When Becks was well he would sit with Ellie and methodically wash her face from top to bottom for a good 5 minutes she loved it.

We are very grateful for the time we spent with Becks, almost 5 years and although 15 is a good age its just never long enough is it.

Rest in peace our gorgeous boy we will always love miss you.


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