
To everyone at NWESSR, it is with so much sadness that on 9th October 2022 our beautiful boy Brambles had to be put to sleep.

We had fostered Brambles (or Bram as he was usually known) in early 2015, when he was about 8 years old.  He was a very nervous boy, was scared of so many things, and not used to people or other dogs at all.  We spent time socialising him and introducing him to love, stability and fun.  It had taken him so many months to adjust to his new home and life with us that we had to adopt him, we couldn’t bear the thought of not having him with us.

He was our little wonky dog (a dodgy back leg that the vet said had been broken before he was placed with the NWESSR), who never complained and always ‘smiled’ whenever he saw anyone.  He was so happy, and he made us and everyone that met him happy too.

He loved running through the woodlands, getting muddy and finding new smells, greeting new people to the area and getting a fuss from everyone, he loved a fuss.  He was a well-travelled dog too, coming with us in our camper van on extended holidays across Europe, jumping through snow in Scotland, and generally having a fab time wherever we were.  He was the best man at our wedding, a day we will never forget.

We miss him very, very much, the world is surely a sadder place without his smile, but we have so many amazing memories and wonderful pictures of him that he will never be forgotten and we were privileged to have been able to spend so many years with him.

Goodnight and sweet dreams our little man

Matt and Sally