Ronnie and Luna

Remember Ronnie and Luna? Well, we’ve had an update from their lovely new family……

“Good day, let me update you on “the children” Ronnie and Luna, they are both happy and a wonderful handful and we love them dearly! Our house is no longer ours but they are welcome to it. Luna turned 7 years old this week and got a huge bone as a present, plus treats from all the relatives. She continues to be a free spirit and just loves to fly around our fields and wood chasing anything that moves!!!! Ronnie is enjoying himself in his own laid back way, totally obsessed with balls! ( the photo of him looking where the balls are kept! such dedication) But he is so loveable and patient as he tolerates Luna grabbing the balls out of his mouth. Be assured they are both well, healthy and full of life, we are looking to take them to the Borders or Northumberland this summer/autumn, both dog friendly places, so they can run and run!
Our life has been taken over by them, perhaps more than we expected but we love them to bits and wouldn’t have it any other way, they are together and fully enjoying life! “